NAS European Commission funded Enlargement Workshop

Materials resistant to extreme conditions for future energy systems


12-14 JUNE, 2017, Kyiv - UKRAINE

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

Dr. S. Gavrilov - SCK●CEN, Belgium

“Challenges of materials qualification for nuclear systems with heavy liquid metal coolant: Effect of LBE on materials property”

Dr. Catrin Mair - Imperial College, UK

“Experimental Testing and Failure Analysis for High Temperature Plant Environments”

Prof. Carlos Capdevila - CENIM, Spain

“Effect of ausforming temperature on the microstructure of grade G91 steel”

Dr. Cem Tasan - MIT, USA

"Design of healable steels for energy applications"

Dr. M. Nastar - CEA, France

"Statistical physics for the modeling of non-equilibrium metallic alloys driven by irradiation"

Dr. S. Kotrechko - IMP, Ukraine

"Irradiation embrittlement and RPV metal service life: state of the art and challenges"

Dr. M. Brumovsky - UJV, Czech Republic

“Life extension of WWER RPVs”

Dr. O. Bakai - KIPT, Ukraine

“Electron Irradiation Test Facilities and methodologies for corrosion assessment and design of reactor structural materials”

Dr. B. Tangui - CEA, France

“Irradiation embrittlement of austenitic stainless steels in PWR vessel’s internals – experiments and modelling from micro to mesoscale”

Prof. Sean B. Leen - NUI Galway, Ireland

“Physically-based modelling of high temperature low cycle fatigue and thermo-mechanical fatigue for 9Cr ferritic-martensitic steels”

Key Dates

Abstract submission and grant application 25.03.2017
Notification of abstract acceptance 15.04.2017
Announcement of grants 15.04.2017
Deadline for registration 01.05.2017
Workshop 12.06.2017- 14.06.2017


Relevant documents

Abstract & Grant Application form
Registration form
Abstract template
Venue map
Form for Chernobyl visit
Poster format