WP1 - Dialogue with Member States and European Commission
Coordinated by: Mariano Tarantino, ENEA (IT)
and Barbara Ferrucci, ENEA (IT)
The main objetive of WP1 is to engage Member States (MS) representatives in a two-way dialogue:
MS -> CSA: to collect information on national programmes, analyse MS interest for an EJP on
nuclear materials (NM), at which conditions and complying with what rules, e.g.: How is R&D
managed at national level? Who are the national actors involved in NM R&D? Is there a national
programme on NM? If so, what is its content and which are the priorities? Which important nuclear
facilities are available? Which plans exist for their future? Under which conditions is there
availability to share them? Which co-funding schemes does each MS envisage? Which scientific,
technological and socio-economic, challenges do the MS expect the EJP to help address? Which
E&T needs?
CSA -> MS: to provide all information (e.g. SRA from WP2, socio-economic benefits, structure
and possible implementation, financial aspects from WP3, interaction with external world from
WP4) to facilitate MSs judgment about the prospects and opportunities offered by an EJP on NM,
including use of their experimental infrastructure, in the form of documents and presentations.
This dialogue will have to be based on: direct contact (e-mail, phone), remote meetings (videoconferences
or phone conferences), a preparatory meeting at the EC premises around month 8, and
two large workshops organized within the CSA at months 12 and 24 (see WP5).
The main outcome of the WP will be a critical assessment of the added value of an EJP on NM,
based on the information collected from MS and from other WPs.
Main results
- Mapping of key national contacts and R&D actors and infrastructures
- Questionnaire to request input from MS and relevant national committees
- Summary of national programmes on nuclear materials
- Critical assessment of the added value of a EJP on nuclear materials (preliminary)
- Demonstration of the added value of a EJP on nuclear materials (final)