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Permanent call for EERA JPNM Travel/Training Grant applications
When: Sunday 01-10-2023 00:00 - Sunday 05-12-2027 00:00
Where: Online application

EERA JPNM call for applications for the Travel/Training Grants.


The call for Travel/Training Grants gives the possibility to all JPNM members (full and associate members) to apply for financial support either:

- for a scientific visit at a research institution (of another JPNM member or another institution in the field of nuclear materials)


- to visit a conference/participate in a workshop


- to cover the costs of a training.


All activities have to correspond to JPNM relevant research topics and bring added value to the EERA JPNM community which should be clearly described in the application.

The upper limit for each grant will be 1000 EUR within Europe or 1500 EUR outside Europe. If there are several, only one application per institution per call may be granted. Also, only one grant per person per year may be granted.

Applications can be sent at any time during the year. Four times a year there will be a deadline and all applications sent before will be discussed and approved/rejected by the EERA JPNM Steering Committee. Travels or trainings starting before the date of the approval of the grant applications are not eligible for funding. After approval the Grant is valid for 6 months. Therefore, it is advised to check carefully the point in time the Travel/Training Grant is needed to start the application in accordance with the given timeframes:

- 1st deadline in the year is 31st March, decision by JPNM SC 30th of April -> grant valid from 1st of May until 31st of October

- 2nd deadline in the year is 30th of June, decision by JPNM SC 31st of July -> grant valid from 1st of August until 31st of January (following year)

- 3rd deadline in the year is 30th of September, decision by the JPNM SC on 31st of October -> grant valid from 1st of November until 30th of April (following year)

- 4th deadline in the year is 31st of December, decision by the JPNM SC on 31st of January -> grant valid from 1st of February until 31st of July.

The applications will be evaluated and the final results will be communicated to you according to the time schedule described above.


For further instructions, please, read the Rules of Procedures below.


To apply for the Travel/Training Grant, please, fill in the application form here

Contact:  Jana Peroutkova,

Events & News

Sunday, 00:00
Permanent call for EERA JPNM Travel/Training Grant applications
Online application
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